The third case I want to address is from Pfizer and comes from . Pfizer found out in that of their websites for more than brands were very slow. One of these websites even took more than seconds to load. They then set the speed budget to solve this problem. All new functionalities and images on the website had to comply with this. After some testing, this turned out to work. The websites were up to % faster and the number of bounces decreased by %. What has Pfizer done: Optimize images (smaller files) Convert images to WebP Amazon.
This case is a bit older now, as it dates back to . Nevertheless, this case illustrates very well what a faster website or web shop can offer a company. In , Amazon started working on the speed of their website. They noticed that the speed of the website had a direct effect on photo editor the number of sales. Every ms delay cost Amazon % of their revenue. This company also really cares about large amounts of turnover that they get extra because of this. What has Amazon done: Optimize above the fold files Adjust the caching where possible Adjust image file size Walmart.
The last page speed case I want to discuss in this article is from Walmart. This case is originally from , but it shows very well what a faster website can mean for the conversion rate. years after Amazon showed their page speed case, Walmart also decided to get started with this. What they noticed at Walmart is that the conversion rate was % higher when the website was second faster. What did Walmart do: Reduce the number of elements used Optimize slow third party modules Better tune caching Do you need to get started right away? As you have read in this article, the speed of a website or webshop plays a major role.